Valkey 8.0 is faster, more efficient, and more reliable.
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Valkey 8.0
Valkey Access Control List
ARM support
Exploring Valkey on the ARM CPU Architecture
Introduction to Bitfields
Introduction to Bitmaps
Bulk loading
Writing data in bulk using the RESP protocol
Client-side caching in Valkey
Server-assisted, client-side caching in Valkey
Command key specifications
What are command key specification and how to use them in your client
A guide to debugging Valkey server processes
Debugging Lua scripts in Valkey
How to use the built-in Lua debugger
Diagnosing latency issues
Finding the causes of slow responses
Distributed Locks with Valkey
A distributed lock pattern with Valkey
Introduction to Hashes
High availability with Valkey Sentinel
High availability for non-clustered Valkey
HyperLogLog is a probabilistic data structure that estimates the cardinality of a set.
Install Valkey
Install Valkey on Linux, macOS, and Windows
Introduction to Valkey
Learn about the Valkey open source project
Key eviction
Overview of Valkey key eviction policies (LRU, LFU, etc.)
Managing keys in Valkey: Key expiration, scanning, altering and querying the key space
Introduction to Lists
Memory optimization
Strategies for optimizing memory usage in Valkey
Migration from Redis to Valkey
How to migrate from Redis to Valkey
Modules API for native types
How to use native types in a Valkey module
Modules API reference
Reference for the Valkey Modules API
Quick starts
Valkey quick start guides
Scale with Valkey Cluster
Horizontal scaling with Valkey Cluster
Scripting with Lua
Executing Lua in Valkey
Secondary indexing
Building secondary indexes in Valkey
Sentinel client spec
How to build clients for Valkey Sentinel
Serialization protocol specification
Valkey's serialization protocol (RESP) is the wire protocol that clients implement
Introduction to Sets
Sorted Sets
Introduction to Sorted Sets
Introduction to Streams
Introduction to Strings
Valkey TLS support
How transactions work in Valkey
Troubleshooting Valkey
Problems with Valkey? Start here.
Valkey CLI
Valkey command line interface
Valkey CPU profiling
Performance engineering guide for on-CPU profiling and tracing
Valkey FAQ
Commonly asked questions when getting started with Valkey
Valkey Lua API reference
Executing Lua in Valkey
Valkey Pub/Sub
How to use pub/sub channels in Valkey
Valkey Server
Manual for valkey-server, the Valkey server program
Valkey administration
Advice for configuring and managing Valkey in production
Valkey as an in-memory data structure store quick start guide
Understand how to use basic Valkey data types
Valkey benchmark
Using the valkey-benchmark utility on a Valkey server
Valkey client handling
How the Valkey server manages client connections
Valkey cluster specification
Detailed specification for Valkey cluster
Valkey command arguments
How Valkey commands expose their documentation programmatically
Valkey command tips
Get additional information about a command
Valkey configuration
Overview of valkey.conf, the Valkey configuration file
Valkey data types
Overview of data types supported by Valkey
Valkey functions
Scripting with Redis OSS 7 and beyond
Valkey geospatial
Introduction to the Valkey Geospatial data type
Valkey history
How the Valkey project started
Valkey keyspace notifications
Monitor changes to Valkey keys and values in real time
Valkey latency monitoring
Discovering slow server events in Valkey
Valkey license
License and trademark information
Valkey modules API
Introduction to writing Valkey modules
Valkey modules and blocking commands
How to implement blocking commands in a Valkey module
Valkey patterns example
Learn several Valkey patterns by building a Twitter clone
Valkey persistence
How Valkey writes data to disk
Valkey pipelining
How to optimize round-trip times by batching Valkey commands
Valkey programmability
Extending Valkey with Lua and Valkey Functions
Valkey releases and versioning
How new versions of Valkey are released and supported
Valkey replication
How Valkey supports high availability and failover with replication
Valkey security
Security model and features in Valkey
Valkey signal handling
How Valkey handles common Unix signals