Valkey Modules 101

2024-05-01 · Dmitry Polyakovsky

What are Valkey modules?

The idea of modules is to allow adding extra features (such as new commands and data types) to Valkey without making changes to the core code. Modules are a special type of code distribution called a shared library, which can be loaded by other programs at runtime and executed. Modules can be written in C or other languages that have C bindings. In this article we will go through the process of building simple modules in C and Rust (using the Valkey Module Rust SDK). This article expects the audience to be at least somewhat familiar with git, C, Rust and Valkey.

Hello World module in C

If we clone the Valkey repo by running git clone we will find numerous examples in src/modules. Let's create a new file module1.c in the same folder.

#include "../valkeymodule.h"

int hello(ValkeyModuleCtx *ctx, ValkeyModuleString **argv, int argc) {
    return ValkeyModule_ReplyWithSimpleString(ctx, "world1");

int ValkeyModule_OnLoad(ValkeyModuleCtx *ctx, ValkeyModuleString **argv, int argc) {
    if (ValkeyModule_Init(ctx,"module1",1,VALKEYMODULE_APIVER_1) 
    if (ValkeyModule_CreateCommand(ctx,"module1.hello", hello,"",0,0,0) 

Here we are calling ValkeyModule_OnLoad C function (required by Valkey) to initialize module1 using ValkeyModule_Init. Then we use ValkeyModule_CreateCommand to create a Valkey command hello which uses C function hello and returns world1 string. In future blog posts we will expore these areas at greater depth.

Now we need to update src/modules/Makefile

all: ...

module1.xo: ../valkeymodule.h module1.xo
	$(LD) -o $@ $^ $(SHOBJ_LDFLAGS) $(LIBS) -lc

Run make inside src/modules folder. This will compile our module in the src/modules folder.

Hello World module in Rust

We will create a new Rust package by running cargo new --lib module2 in bash. Inside the module2 folder we will have Cargo.toml and src/ files. To install the valkey-module SDK run cargo add valkey-module inside module2 folder. Alternativley we can add valkey-module = "0.1.0 in Cargo.toml under [dependencies]. Run cargo build and it will create or update the Cargo.lock file.

Modify Cargo.toml to specify the crate-type to be "cdylib", which will tell cargo to build the target as a shared library. Read Rust docs to understand more about crate-type.

crate-type = ["cdylib"]

Now in src/ replace the existing code with the following:

extern crate valkey_module;

use valkey_module::{Context, ValkeyResult, ValkeyString, ValkeyValue};

fn hello(_ctx: &Context, _args: Vec<ValkeyString>) -> ValkeyResult {

valkey_module! {
    name: "module2",
    version: 1,
    allocator: (valkey_module::alloc::ValkeyAlloc, valkey_module::alloc::ValkeyAlloc),
    data_types: [],
    commands: [
        ["module2.hello", hello, "", 0, 0, 0],

Rust syntax is a bit different than C but we are creating module2 with command hello that returns world2 string. We are using the external crate valkey_module with Rust macros and passing it variables like name and version. Some variables like data_types and commands are arrays and we can pass zero, one or many values. Since we are not using ctx or args we prefix them with _ (Rust convention) instead of VALKEYMODULE_NOT_USED as we did in C.

Run cargo build in the root folder. We will now see target/debug/libmodule2.dylib (on macOS). The build will produce *.so files on Linux and *.dll files on Windows.

Run Valkey server with both modules

Go back into the Valkey repo folder and run make to compile the Valkey code. Then add these lines to the bottom of the valkey.conf file.

loadmodule UPDATE_PATH_TO_VALKEY/src/modules/
loadmodule UPDATE_PATH_TO_MODULE2/target/debug/libmodule2.dylib

and run src/valkey-server valkey.conf. You will see these messages in the log output.

Module 'module1' loaded from UPDATE_PATH_TO_VALKEY/src/modules/
Module 'module2' loaded from UPDATE_PATH_TO_MODULE2/target/debug/libmodule2.dylib

Then use src/valkey-cli to connect.

src/valkey-cli -3> module list
1) 1# "name" => "module2"
   2# "ver" => (integer) 1
   3# "path" => "UPDATE_PATH_TO_MODULE2/target/debug/libmodule2.dylib"
   4# "args" => (empty array)
2) 1# "name" => "module1"
   2# "ver" => (integer) 1
   3# "path" => "UPDATE_PATH_TO_VALKEY/src/modules/"
   4# "args" => (empty array)> module1.hello
world1> module2.hello

We can now run both modules side by side and if we modify either C or RS file, recompile the code and restart valkey-server we will get the new functionality.

As an alternative to specifying modules in valkey.conf file, we can use MODULE LOAD and UNLOAD from valkey-cli to update the server. First specify enable-module-command yes in valkey.conf and restart valkey-server. This enables us to update our module code, recompile it and reload it at runtime.> module load UPDATE_PATH_TO_VALKEY/src/modules/
OK> module list
1) 1# "name" => "module1"
   2# "ver" => (integer) 1
   3# "path" => "UPDATE_PATH_TO_VALKEY/src/modules/"
   4# "args" => (empty array)> module unload module1
OK> module list
(empty array)> 

Please stay tuned for more articles in the future as we explore the possibilities of Valkey modules and where using C or Rust makes sense.

About the authors

photo of Dmitry Polyakovsky

Dmitry Polyakovsky

Dmitry is a Consulting Member of Technical Staff at Oracle Cloud.

Dmitry has used Redis for over 10 years for a variety of purposes. He has written numerous blog articles, been interviewed by podcasts, presented at various conferences and built open-source libraries on top of Redis. Currently Dmitry is working at Oracle Cloud as Tech Lead for OCI Cache service. He is very excited to be part of the Valkey project.

In his spare time Dmitry enjoys hiking in the Seattle area and spending time with his family.